Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions to help you on your way

      You can download the application from the Apple or Google store but first go to our Contact Page and either Call us or Send us your details in order to get your Club or Team set up. Once the Club Admin is set up as a user of the application with a login & password they can then set up all other users within the club. It is possible to have multiple Club Admin Users within a club or even within a specific team management group.

       The phone app is used by management and players to capture data “live” relating to Skills, Game Stats etc and also to view reports live during games. The web application is used by management to set up panels, set up players as users, set up the calendar of events i.e. games, training meetings etc although in more recent releases you can now do most of this from the phone also.  Due to the amount of data which is available in the database the web based application is still required to allow easier access and manipulation of the data i.e. export to Excel to generate charts, graphs etc etc.

       There is no limit to the number of users who can access the Application simultaneously but care should be taken by Management during games that more than one person is not trying to log the same stat for the same player at the same time as this can cause duplication of data. It is possible of course for one person to log the Game Actions on their own but the best approach for a Game is to have perhaps one person logging positive Game Actions, another person logging negative Game Actions and if available you could even have a third person logging Notes in the app which can be used during the water breaks or half time. The clubs/teams who have got most benefit from Pathway4Teams to date are those who embrace the use of the app across the management team and who can have people on the extended management team helping out by logging the stats.

       There is no limit to the number of users who can access the Web Application simultaneously to do offline analysis based on game data.

Because Pathway4Teams generates “live” reporting and charting of the key stats during a game and needs to access a database storing all this data, mobile coverage for Data is required at the game. To date this hasn’t posed any issues for any participating club as most grounds are covered at this stage with some level of mobile data coverage. 

Ideally the Skills Assessment should be done at the start of the season and individual Player Skills ratings assigned based on a consensus view by the management team. The Skills ratings can then be reviewed and updated on an individual basis throughout the season as part of player feedback. Any member of the management team can update a Skill Rating for any player in the panel. To retain maximum flexibility and avoid getting too detailed into scoring mechanisms it was decided to use very simple criteria when Rating Players ( see next Question in the list )

We felt it was best to keep this as flexible as possible, avoid getting too bogged down on scoring mechanisms and also allow clubs use their own criteria based on good judgement but our Guideline would be to rate Skills as follows :-

                1-4 Poor ;
               5-6 Average ;   
               7-8 Good-Very Good  ;   
               9-10  Exceptional

The idea behind doing a Skills Assessment for each player is to :-

(1)  identify and highlight to the individual player which areas of their game they need to focus on for improvement

(2) identify at a panel level which specific skills are generic issues and would therefore warrant some collective drills being done in training to improve those skills across the panel


Once Skills are identified as requiring development then 1:1 coaching sessions or team sessions are arranged

This is something we are looking at for a future Release where a short clip can be captured for an individual player and stored for viewing only by that player and Management. For Release 1 however the Skills Assessment is simply based on a consensus Management view using the Guidelines referenced above

Customization of the Skills by each club is something under consideration for the next Release but in Release 1 there is a pre-defined list of Skills in the system to work from and this list has been reviewed by multiple coaches in both male and female GAA & Soccer circles before being finalized

As any management team will testify it is important that players always communicate if they are unable to make Games or Training or anything else which is arranged around a team or panel. By clicking on any Event in the Events calendar on the phone a Player ( or member of the Management team ) can “Mark themselves as Unavailable” for that event and it is then visible to the Management users.  An Event in the system currently is a Game, Training or Meeting and the Events Calendar is accessible on the phone by clicking on the Calendar icon on the top of the Dashboard screen.

For Soccer, Gaelic football and Ladies Football it may be possible for one person to capture all the stats for a game. It is recommended for Hurling/Camogie that because of the speed of the game two people should capture the stats i.e. one person focused on positive stats and the other on negative.  If Notes and Player ratings are also required throughout a game then an additional person could be assigned this task but this is optional of course.

Typically the clubs/teams who have got most benefit from Pathway4Teams to date are those who embrace the use of the app across the management team and who can have people on the extended management team helping out by logging the stats.

Each Action is categorized as either Positive ( Green ) or Negative ( Red ).  Each Game Action is tagged to a player on the field so in order to capture a Game Action you must first click on the player who performed it after which you are automatically placed into the Action screen from where you then select from the Green buttons for Positive Stats or Red buttons for Negative Stats. Immediately upon selecting the Action  or Stat to be logged the user is returned to the Game Management screen ready to capture the next Game Action. This continues throughout the game and it is a 2-click user sequence which happens very quickly on the phone to allow the user to keep up with the speed of the game.

Any errors made during a game in logging Actions/Stats incorrectly can be easily rectified. You can either do this immediately or wait for a break in play to correct.  To correct an error you select the Player to whom the Action/Stat was logged then Click + Hold on the Action/Stat and you will be asked if you wish to reduce this Action/Stat by 1. Once you have done this you can then proceed and re-do the Action/Stat logging against the correct player

Each score ( both for and against ) is treated as another Game Stat and tagged against a player. Once a score is logged the sore display on the Game Management screen is incremented to reflect that score. If a score is subsequently disallowed after being logged it can be corrected ( see Question on human error correction below ). Your own team’s score is always on the left hand side of the display.

A new feature which is appended to the Game Actions Report is a Timestamped Actions report and this contains all the key Actions which defined the game i.e. Scores for & against, substitutions, sendings off etc. Each game action is timescamped to the neareas minute relative to the start of the game so by marking the First Half as Complete this allows any second half Game Actions to be logged to the correct minute as the timer is reset to zero

At any point in the game a live Stats report can be run by any member of the management team from their phone by going to the Game Management Screen and selecting Game Actions Report from the menu on the top right corner of the screen

Customization of the Stats by each club is something under consideration for the next Release but in Release 1 there is a pre-defined list of Game Stats in the system to work from and this list is based on consultation with multiple clubs at all levels to understand which Stats were the most important to include 

It is recommended that you keep a Game active on the phone for up to 24 hours following a game to allow management to enter any further notes and finalize Player ratings etc but no further Stats should be captured once the game is finished unless something needs to be corrected. 

Once a Game is marked as Complete it disappears from the live game part of the phone screen and no further stats relating to that game can be added. The game stats, player ratings etc can still be viewed from the phone app under “Previous Games” but this is read-only.  Reports in PDF format can also be accessed for any completed games via the Web application or if access to the raw data is required for further analysis the Export function can be used from the Web application to convert data from one or more games to Excel format where it can be manipulated to generate graphs & charts etc

After a Game the Players would have access to their own Stats plus the Team totals for the Game but they would not see the Stats for any other Player which are only accessible to the Management team. The Players can also access their Game Rating assigned by Management plus the average rating for the team.

Yes – if an error is made entering a game stat it can be undone and the Stat in question reduced by Clicking on the player in question and then Clicking + HOLD on the stat in question which will give the option of reducing that stat by 1 to correct the error 

Firstly you need to export the Game Actions data choosing the data of the first game you wish to access. The system will then export to Excel all games from that date. You can download the Dashboard from the Resources Page ( it will need to be un-Zipped to Excel ) and by Clicking on the Data tab and then “Add Data” button you can import the raw data which has been exported from the database and this will allow you view and manipulate the data from all games during that period to show trends, totals etc across all the stats

The Notes feature is intended to be  used by Management to leave a specific message for a player or for a player to leave a message for management. This is not intended as an email type communications tool with replies and forwarding etc. The messages could be encouragement, tactical inputs, wellness concerns etc and are always private to the individual player. There is also a facility for Management to leave a generic note for the entire Panel which everyone will see simultaneously.  All notes remain in the system for 2 weeks after which they are purged so Management and Players should access their Notes in the app periodically to pick up anything which is left for them.

The Text Notification feature is intended to be  used by Management to leave a text alert on the screen of every user within a specific domain i.e. it can be a panel of players or it can be an entire club. The Text Notification is done via the Web application  and for all users who happen to have the application active on their phone at the time ( they don’t specifically need to be in the application , just logged in and in the background will suffice ) they will receive a screen Notification which either covers their screen and requires the to click Ok to remove or else they access vis the Notification Centre on their phone. 

IMPORTANT : text alerts generally disappear after they are read so make sure you know how Text Notification works on your specific phone type and make sure it is turned on or Activated for the Pathway4Teams application

In order to provide Supporters of a team with access to the Game screen during a game a specific Supporter facility exists in the application. This facility will allow Supporters of a club to see the fixtures on the dashboard and it will also allow them to see the Game screen during the game with players in their positions plus the live score on the screen which is updated every 30 seconds.  It is easy to set up a Supporter as they don’t need a password but just need to register with their email and then select the club they wish to follow.  The Supporter will have restricted access to the data in the application but it can still be a good way of keeping people involved with the club

In the  Pathway4Teams application there are a number of logo options available to clubs. Logos can be set for the dashboard generally these are the Club logo. It is also possible for the Club Admin to set up a Logo for the Splash Screen and also for the Supporter landing screen and these can be sponsor logos which could enable the club generate some additional sponsorship revenue from local businesses etc due to the number of people who would be accessing the application on their phone. The logos can be set up via the Web application and just need to be GIF or JPEG format

There is an export feature in the Web application that allows data to be exported to an Excel file from where it can be further manipulated and analyzed in Excel itself or imported to a Microsoft Application such as Power BI from where it can be charted based on user defined templates. Pathway4Teams has a defined set of Chart templates that have been created specifically for Exported data and these templates will be made available to all management users of the application as required.

Every management user of the Pathway4Teams application will be trained on how to use it but ideally there would be one or more members of the backroom team tasked with doing the Stats collection and Analysis.  If a Club team needs additional support to do offline Analysis based on the data collected during Games we offer an additional service whereby we would directly access the data remotely, export it for you and pull together a set of charts and graphs suitable for detailed analysis and presentation at a team meeting or a management review. See Resources section on this web site for additional information.

The Pathway4Teams application was initially piloted with Gaelic Games and this was partly due to the pandemic and the ease of access to clubs etc.

Between Gaelic Games and Soccer the fundamentals of the application are exactly the same in how it is used by Management but the main areas where there are some differences are in the Team Layout as it appears on the Game screen ( i.e. 11 players for Soccer versus 15 for Gaelic Games ),  the Sports-specific Game Stats which are logged during a Game and the Sports-specific Skills which are measured and monitored throughout a season. 

Aside from these obvious Sports-specific differences the application is used in exactly the same way.

"The Pathway4Teams application has been of great help to us this year as a management team in both hurling and football"
Donal Condon
Emly GAA, Tipperary
"It is really worthwhile having someone in the management team using the Pathway4Teams application during games as it can capture a huge amount of data to share with players"
Tadhg Murphy
Cuala Hurling, Dublin